About Me


 My name is Brittany and my love affair with International Travel began about 9 years ago. My first trip abroad was to Spain in 2006 where I spent a semester as a part of my Spanish major requirement. From then I have been blessed to visit 57 countries. I’ve lived in Spain, Mexico, and the Republic of Georgia. In Spain and Mexico, I was finishing up my undergraduate and graduate degrees in Spanish. In Georgia, I was a Peace Corps volunteer. I have traveled to Spain, Morocco, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, Georgia (the country), Turkey, England, Malaysia, China, United Arab Emirates, Japan, the Dominican Republic, South Africa, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, France, Israel, Liechtenstein, Palestine, Argentina, Peru, Costa Rica, Australia, New Zealand, Jordan, Chile, Uruguay, Panama, Egypt, Italy, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Iceland, Belgium, Greece, India, Cuba, Finland, the Netherlands, Scotland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Singapore, The Maldives, Antigua and Iceland.

Batu Caves- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

My story is somewhat unique from other world travelers because I did not grow up spending summers in Europe with my family. I have five siblings so traveling the United States was as far as we went. For that reason, I have seen a very large portion of the U.S. My parents also have limited international travel experience. My father spent time in Korea when he was in the military and it pretty much stopped there. My mother has come to visit me when I lived in Mexico and the Republic of Georgia but aside from that, they travel mainly in the United States.

Who am I
Kathmandu, Nepal

One of the reasons why I decided to start this blog was because I wanted to inspire people to go out and see more than just what’s in their neighborhood. I often hear people say that traveling and international traveling in particular is expensive but I would like to eliminate that myth. Traveling like most things can be what you want it to be. Meaning if you prefer everything to be 5star then you’re right, it can be quite expensive. However, if you like to ball on a budget like myself, then I hope to provide some tips for making traveling more affordable. I also wanted to create this blog to talk about some of my experiences which I feel are unique to being a person of color. There have been tears, awkward moments, friendships made, but most of all complete happiness that I have been fortunate to experience due to not being afraid of leaving the comfort of the United States.If you’re not sure about leaving the comfort of your country, then I just encourage you to explore new areas around you. Go to a new part of town; go to a new state, new city. Just go somewhere new. I believe the world is a beautiful place and it was created for us to admire the beauty that God has created. So go out there and see the world!!! I dare you!

My host brother Misho and I in Georgia

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